To start I went to A.C. Moore and bought one of those wooden words that says Princess. Mine came white and I left it that way because the baby to be has all white furniture in her nursery but if you wanted to paint it, now would be the time. Next I picked out two ribbons that matched the decor of the nursery in this case pink and brown; I used a wide brown with a narrower pink over it so that if she has too many like we do she can use both strands. you could really use any combination of ribbon or any number of strands. I chose to have four sets hanging down so that it looked even. the next part is where the difference between my daughters and the one i made. My sister in law used one long piece of ribbon folded in half and tied it onto the bottom of the word, I on the other hand used my handy dandy staple gun and stapled the ribbons to the back so they would lay flat. That it clip some cute little corker bows on there and you haveit, a very simple girls gift in way under an hour! Here are pics of my sister in laws and the one I just made.
Linking up here today check it out they have some other great ideas too!

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